Monday, June 17, 2024

Alberto De La Serna Travel Companion with Harry Roque

The controversial Mister Suprational Philippines 2016 Alberto De La Serna. He became hot topic online. Harry Roque number 1 trending in twitter world. 

'I am providing this affidavit to confirm that I will provide financial support to Alberto de la Serna for his travel to Poland, Ukraine and Italy from October 9. 2023 to October 18, 2023. I need a travel companion since I am diabetic, with coronary stent and suffering from acute spinal stenosis.'

It is dubious that Harry Roque chose to travel with Mr. Supranational 2016 in order to allegedly receive medical help.

Is Mr. Supranational 2016 certified to take blood pressure, measure blood sugar, and perform CPR? 


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