Monday, June 27, 2022

Man of the Universe - Paul Mark Buendia Grand Winner

Man of the Philippines 2022 Paul Mark Buendia as a grand winner  of Man of the Universe . Paul Mark Buendia of FilCom Dubai emerged as the grand winner to represent in the Man of the Universe 2022. Here are some hot photos of Paul Mark Buendia.

Here are the winners of  Man of the Philippines 2022

Man of the Universe - Paul Mark Buendia
Mister Model of the World - Ramzy Hesham Villegas
World Fitness Supermodel -  Bryan Diaz
Mister Altitude World -  Richard Rey Gomez

The rest of the winners are 
Man of the Philippines Ambassador- Jose Carlos Paras of Pampanga, 
Man of Nationalism James Mark Pascual of Cabuyao, Laguna, 
Man of Advocacy Mark Teodoro of Bulacan and 
Man of Integrity Ezekiel Elacion 

The list of minor and special awards:
Man of Social Media - Janno Rey Seguiro
Man of Community Votes - Khael Domingo
Man of Photo - Paul Mark Buendia 
Man of Tiktok Challenge- Janno Rey Sequiro
Man of Advocacy Video - Janno Rey Seguiro
Man of National Costume - Jose Carlos Paras 
Man of Friendship - Ezekiel Elacion
UKS Man of Physique - 
Power Up Gym - Paul Pedley
Nearby Resto Bar -  Ramzy Hesham Villegas
Harvest Cafè and Bistro Ambassador -  Richard Rey Gomez
Ichiban Ambassador - Ramzy Vollegas, Jose Carlos Paras, Luis Laugo
Clarine Ambassador - Paul Pedley
Man of Formal Wear -  Paul Pedley
Man of Swimwear -  Paul Mark Buendia
MXXI Ambassador -  James Mark Pascual & Paul Mark Buendia 
Dos Otso Ambassador - Luis Emmanuel Laugo & Ezekiel Elacion
Le Flaire Ambassador - Mark Teodoro
Monarch Montage Ambassador -  Luis Laugo 
UKS Man of Views - Khael Domingo
UAE Kabayan Souq Ambassador - Paul Marl Buendia
Royal Prince Ambassador - Jose Carlos Paras
Villa Kristen Ambassador - Richard Rey Gomez 

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